Board recognizes Marching Knights, approves Superintendent’s Report
At Thursday’s action meeting, the Board recognized members of the NPHS Marching Knights.
LANSDALE- The North Penn Board of School Directors met Thursday evening for an action meeting where they recognized the North Penn High School Marching Knights, and approved all items under the Superintendent’s Report including the 2019 bond issue and the acceptance of propane bus grants.
The Board began the meeting by recognizing the NPHS Marching Knights for their impressive season and their accomplishments at States and Nationals. Afterward, Superintendent Dr. Curt Dietrich presented each Board director with a certificate and thanked them for their time and energy spent on the School Board as January is School Director recognition month.
“During this month of recognition, I do ask that we take a moment and show gratitude for our School Directors’ time, dedication, and effort,” expressed Dietrich.
During the audience of citizens, the Board heard from a parent who expressed frustration regarding her daughter’s German midterm. All midterms for the year will be taken online through a program on students’ Chromebooks.
“I have an A student. She’s very diligent, studied really hard for her German test. And because her exam was on the Chromebook, the Chromebook would not load for her, and so her grade ended up being a C,” shared the parent.
The Board expressed their plan to speak with the parent after the meeting to resolve the issue.
After hearing from each committee, the Board approved all items listed under the Superintendent’s Report. The first item was the 2019 bond issue, and the Board heard a brief presentation from Mr. Wes Hall from PFM Financial Advisors. Afterward, Dr. Dietrich asked Hall several questions about how the renovation plans and possibility of relocating 9th grade would affect the parameters for the resolution.
“It’s very important to me that we look at a long term plan. We’ve had more recent discussions about renovations at the high school and considering a 9th grade relocation to that campus, so we need to be able to look at the big picture,” noted Dietrich.
Other items approved included delinquent real estate taxes, the revised 2019 finance committee meeting schedule, acceptance of propane bus grants, and the amended 2019-2020 school calendar.
The Board discussed the possibility of rearranging and amending schedules for other committees to accommodate making all the meetings accessible to the public through NPTV and to hold some meetings with the whole Board present.
After the Superintendent’s Report, the Board approved items under the finance report including the treasurer’s report, budget transfers from November 19th through December 31st, 2018, and invoices.
Under other business, the Board nominated and appointed Board Director Tim Macbain as the PSBA Legislative Liaison.
The next Board meeting will be a work session meeting and will take place on February 12th at 7:30 PM in the Educational Services Center.