North Penn School District Board Docs
The North Penn School Board heard from Dr. Jenna Rufo about the 2018-2019 comprehensive plan.
LANSDALE- The North Penn School District Board of School Directors met for a work session meeting Tuesday evening to hear a presentation from Dr. Jenna Rufo regarding the district’s 2018-2019 comprehensive plan.
Before the presentation, the Board heard from one audience member about the Board’s decision to approve full day kindergarten at the last meeting.
The comprehensive plan is a district level plan, required by the state, that aims for continuous improvement and provides direction and goals for the district. Dr. Jenna Rufo began the presentation by detailing some of the major changes which include a greater focus on diversity and how to meet the needs of diverse learners, more of a holistic focus on students, and multiple approaches to data.
Rufo described the district’s accomplishments and concerns from the last school year plan. Accomplishments included participation and performance on AP exams, keystone exams achievement, PSSA Scores above the state average, inclusive education and growth for students with IEPs, professional learning opportunities, network infrastructure updates, emergency and safety improvements, and induction and mentoring.
Some concerns Rufo stated were a decrease in PSSA scores, a need for greater growth scores, a lack of consistent framework for student behavior and mental health, a need for greater equity and access for all students, a need to shift instructional practices to transform digital learning, a need for a long-range facilities plan, a need to close achievement and behavior gaps before grade one, and a need to review and revise district policies and procedures.
From the concerns, Rufo presented six goals and corresponding strategies that were formed for this year’s comprehensive plan. The goals were to improve student achievement by implementing evidence-based instructional practices that address student needs, develop district practices supporting an inclusive, culturally responsive environment that guarantees equity and access to all students and their families, improve the district infrastructure and security measures, continue to implement organizational efficiencies designed to improve service to the students and community while maintaining fiscal responsibility, develop a continuum of services to support the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of students, and provide students with career exploration and training opportunities that prepare them to be college, career, and work-ready.
After the presentation, the Board heard from an audience member regarding concerns about property taxes. The Board will meet for an action meeting Thursday, October 18th at 7:30 PM in the Educational Services Center.