White and Faison crowned homecoming King and Queen

Marissa Werner

White and Faison crowned homecoming king and queen.

TOWAMENCIN – Surrounded by peers and community members, North Penn High School’s senior class continued the tradition of crowning the homecoming king and queen at half time on Friday night in Crawford Stadium. The court members had been anxiously awaiting the subtle glow of the stadium lights, and with the halftime ceremony came the end of that anticipated moment.

The Knights football team was feeling the positive energy too as they lead on the scoreboard right in time for half time. Simran Rathod and Katie Park took over the microphone and announced the 2018 homecoming court as they walked up half field.

The second runner ups were announced first but not before the marching band lead a soft drum roll for the crowd. Isaac Lambert and Kiran Prabhakar came in third with Claudia Thamm and Tanav Thanjavuru coming in at second.

And finally Alayna Faison and Julian White stepped up onto the high risers to be crowned. Previous homecoming queen Olivia Follis crowned Alayna with the crown and sash, as Principal Mr. Pete Nicholson stepped in for an absent Leo Kawabata to crown the new king.

“It’s amazing, I am just generally happy especially for those who voted for me. This whole experience has taught me that being genuinely nice is really the way to go no matter what. I have made so many different friends through this, all having different backgrounds and being apart of different activities, ” reflected Faison. 

Both the King and Queen are highly involved with North Penn Athletics and the African American Advocacy Club. Faison and White are both multi sport athletes, but they can be found running around the same track once spring comes around.  Their friendship through both activities has made the moment even more special to share it with each other.

“For me being king is a real honor; there are over a thousand guys in this school and to be pointed out amongst that many people to be named king is something that I hold dearly to my heart. This whole process has been amazing between the teachers, my fellow court members, and the people voting, has made it a wonderful experience. I enjoyed myself during half time, but when it was time to get back to work, I was ready,” explained White.”