Campaign Manager: Mitch Yetter
Candidate: Newt Gingrich
About the Campaign Manager:
Interests: politics, spending time with family, hanging out with my friends
School involvements: NP Theatre, Chamber Singers, NP Chorus
Why did you want to get involved with Mock Convention? To better educate myself in political society and it seems like an experience that will be unforgettable.
Why are you interested in politics? Why not be interested in my country and how it is run?
Why is it important that students understand politics? Kids should be in control of their futures and politics and the electoral process is a huge part of that.
About the Candidate:
Current Position: Former Speaker of the House and Georgia Representative
Major campaign points: Repeal Obamacare and create new economic opportunity, along with educational reforms and harder views on immigration, to build america back to a land of liberty for we the people
Slogan: Solutions for a 21st Century America