2012 will mark not only graduation, but also the first year of voting for many of North Penn’s seniors–and to get things started, a Simulated Presidential Nominating Convention will be held on Monday, January 9 and Tuesday, January 10 of the new year.
According to Mr. Brian Haley, advisor for this year’s convention, 1,200 juniors and seniors will be taking part in this North Penn tradition.
“This is a tradition that goes back to 1976. It was started by one of the greatest educators ever to walk the halls of North Penn, H. James Finnemeyer. Mr. Finnemeyer was a Social Studies teacher and SGA Advisor at NP for over 30 years,” said Haley.
This year’s convention will focus on possible candidates from the Republican Party–including Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul, Rick Perry, and Mitt Romney. “It is clear that the Democratic Nominee will be President Obama. The GOP side is where the excitement will be,” said Haley.
North Penn’s auditorium will play home to this convention, rather than Tampa Bay, Florida, where the Grand Old Party’s 2012 Convention will take place: “We have invited all of the GOP candidates to come to NPHS on January 9 and 10. However, realistically, do not expect the major candidates–as the New Hampshire primary is at the same time and they will be busy.”
Many GOP officials from Pennsylvania have also been invited, and according to Haley, there will be quite a few attending, observing, and speaking to students.
“At this time, we have commitments from Congressman Fitzpatrick, Montgomery County GOP (Former) Chair Kenneth Davis, PA State Senator Robert Mensch, and PA Representative Todd Stephens. We are waiting to hear from few others,” said Haley of the guests.
As the convention only happens every four years during the presidential elections, the class of 2012 is experiencing a real part of North Penn history. The convention will serve to educate those who might not be as knowledgeable about current politics, and give those who are a forum to express their ideas.
“This program is part of the NPSD Mission that includes assisting in developing NP students to be productive and knowledgeable citizens in this democratic system. We provide students with hands on experience in the somewhat mystical process used by political parties to select candidates to run for the White House,” said Haley.
“In addition, we provide students with an opportunity to discuss, to debate, and to reach a consensus on the major issues facing the US today as well as over who is best suited to be the next President of the United States. This ability to discuss and to debate issues is a major piece of the democratic puzzle called Social Capital. Democracy can only exist where the political culture allows for discussion, debate, even disagreement, but which ultimately respects the process. Our students see real live examples of American Social Capital in the news every day with our politicians, sometimes positive and sometimes negative.”
What will students work on during the two days of the convention?
“January 9 will focus on the Platform. The students will break out into separate state caucuses to discuss and debate the planks–issues–that will make up the GOP Platform. After the caucus period, the students will return to the auditorium to debate the issues as a whole convention. We expect a spirited debate on issues of foreign policy, the economy, the budget, the national debt, as well as major social issues like the environment and marriage,” said Haley.
“January 10 will be devoted to selecting a Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidate to run for US President against Barack Obama. It starts with state caucus meetings again where the state delegates strategize how to get their candidate the nomination. Then the students return to the auditorium and the voting begins. I expect that we may go to 3 or more ballots this year, as it is a wide-open race.”
Continue to check the Knight Crier for upcoming information about which North Penn students will be representing the GOP candidates, and eventually, recaps of all the goings-on of convention days.