TOWAMENCIN – Teachers at North Penn High School are now learning how to tweet absent students the assignments and class work they missed. Teachers have already sent over 2000 tweets to North Penn students, and most students are less than pleased.
Twitter was once a social media site crawling with teens, but now the site is filled with teachers. Some students love this new idea to help them stay on task, but most students hate this new idea and the inability to escape the wrath of their teachers, and it shows as a thousand students have deleted their twitter accounts in the last 24 hours.
Teachers went through two weeks of training, teaching them how to use twitter, and how to understand the new lingo of modern teenagers. Teachers now know how to LOLing all over twitter with their new found knowledge, but these classes have the English department in an uproar with all the spelling and grammar errors on twitter. They are planning to start a new course next year made mandatory for all students called “Twitter Grammar 101”, so they can teach the students how to speak correctly on Twitter, and not to use abbreviations or slang. Accorindg to English teacher Pat Heim, the potential is there for a real revolution.
” I’ve always been a real sticker for grammar, and as many students know I do host grammar parties over the weekends sometimes. But now with all this hashtagging and 140 characters business, I see some exciting new teachable moments. It’s almost like I’ll be teaching high school kids the same grammar, spelling, etc. that I would have, in the past, taught first graders. It’s a whole new age that we grammarians are ready to take by storm,” said Heim.
This newly developed furer over the writing skills on twitter has no effect on Social studies teacher Mr. Joel Evans who loves using Twitter, and now has CUI or compulsive internet use, an addiction to using the internet. Mr. Evans admits to enjoying spending his free time sitting by the fire with a big cup of coffee and going on twitter for hours to tweet all his friends with his twitter handle called “DJ White Hot Chocolate”. Teachers across the school are beginning to catch this contagion of CUI, and it is becoming an epidemic in North Penn High School. Now students are becoming less connected to the internet than their teacher counterparts.
“Teachers and all adults really just continue to ruin everything,” stated NPHS junior Kara Killion. “I mean, first we had facebook, and then out parents got on there, with no facebook etiquette by the way. Now our teachers are starting a twitter revolution. What’s next, snapchatting grandparents and instragramming administrators. It’s ridiculous. Nothing is sacred, #hastostopnow!”