TOWAMENCIN – North Penn has always had a proud tradition in their athletics; the sport that always comes first to mind is football, but a recent adoption of a new sport at NPHS could mean that a whole new audience will be following the Knights Loyalty twitter, as curling makes its debut in the 2014-15 school year. After his coaching display at this years’ Harlem Wizards game, North Penn High School custodian Gino Santoro has been named the new head coach,. In addition to his success with the NPSD basketball team who was dominant against the Wizards, school officials also cite Santoro’s deft skills with a broom as a major reason for his hiring. Former legendary curling Coach Jonathon Fluck, who coached the Boyertown Icy Bears curling team to a 2010 national championship, was also under consideration, but was removed from the list of candidates after the “curltastrophe” at the 2013 Quarterfinal match where he paid off the officials.
For Santoro, the opportunity to coach again is once he is eagerly anticipating.
“Curling has always been in my blood; ever since I was a kid I just wanted to go out and curl. I got as far as the Olympic Trials but just couldn’t get to the most prestigious level of curling. I have told people how much I love soccer, but that was just a cover. This sport is my one true love and I am glad I get to teach the art of curling to North Penn students.” said Santoro.
The Knights have already recruited some top area prospects, and have very successfully pulled kids out of the private school system and back to their NP roots with the allure of a potential future trip to the Olympics..
“We are a well balanced team and we should be in contention for a state championship,” said Senior Captain Dan Sardaro.
The North Penn Curling team has already developed some important local connections, as they will be sponsored by Lowe’s , who will supply all of the curling brooms they need. Mr. Jason Curley, a math teacher at NPHS, as donated 1 million dollars from his estate to aid in the construction of a new curling facility to be built in what is now the grass area in the middle of the bus circle.
“Mr. Curley loves curling just as much maybe even more than we do, and the fact that he has it in his family blood line makes his involvement in this endeavor even more special , “ added Sardaro.
“This season should be a heck of a ride, I can’t wait to see the results at the end of the year and to show everyone what a real NP dynasty looks like,” said Santoro.