In a statement released late last night, North Penn High School has cancelled the Senior Prom due to prom planning and preparations being a distraction to instructional time. There will be no refunds for tickets already purchased.
The administration said that Promposals are a huge distraction. The number of tardies is skyrocketing due to students’ witnessing a big song and dance in the hallway. Too many students are using the time between classes to ask someone to Prom. In addition, students are being interrupted during class because of these over the top Promposals. The administration also believes that many students won’t be prepared for the AP exams.
The final incident was senior Ferrari Montenegro’s Promposal to his girlfriend, Robin Cardinal. Montenegro commented “I had this awesome idea one day sitting in math class. I was really excited about it. It took a lot of planning, but the look on her face was awesome. ” Montenegro blew up 1,500 balloons, with the words, “Robin will you go to Prom with me?”, and then with the help of his friends, Patrick Pattie, Sally Carrera, Violet Fields, and Dory Fishins, they sent the balloons down the F-pod hallway, across the K-pod bridge into 2nd floor K-pod.
Cardinal was so surprised by the balloons that she fell down the middle stairwell in K-pod, but a sophomore’s backpack broke her fall. She suffered only a broken finger. On the other hand, the sophomore wasn’t so lucky. Immediately following the incident, the sophomore went home, complaining about back pain. He did clarify that it is possible that his back hurts from carrying his backpack to 3rd floor K-pod every day. There will be no lawsuit filed. Montenegro and Cardinal were both suspended from school for obstructing hallway traffic.
Senior Michael Wazowski commented, “I was really looking forward to senior Prom this year. I was planning to ask my girlfriend Celia Moncorprated to Prom. I already brought our tickets and everything.”
The administration is done with all the Promposals distracting students from academics. They firmly believe that canceling Prom is the right thing to do, for now.
Students, of course, do not agree and they are outraged. They are planning a massive uprising… on twitter.