On a day full of reds and pinks, here’s how to beat the blues

The sun is shining, the snow is melting, and there is a cold chill in the air. Everywhere you look, stores are filled with flowers and red, heart-shaped boxes of candy. Valentine’s Day is just an average day for people without a love interest, but February 14 means something else for the coupled world.
What are we unattached girls and guys supposed to do all day while everyone else is being lovey-dovey with their significant other? We’ve come to the realization that the only “significant other” that we will have on this dreaded day is the spoon that goes with our mixture of ice cream and tears in a bowl.
But when our ice cream runs out, and we’re just about dry of tears, there are other options for the day.
- Think about the singing valentine we sent to ourselves from “your secret admirer” in school.
- Binge-watch an entire series on Netflix.
- Watch the cheesiest romantic-comedy over and over again.
- When all else fails, finish all the homework we’ve been avoiding since the start of the second semester.
If all of these options don’t lift your spirits, convince your mom to buy you flowers and post a picture of the beautiful bouquet on Instagram. If you do that, people will at least think you have a valentine.
Valentine’s Day leaves us downhearted as we obsess over all the moments that have contributed to the fact that we’re single and lonely. Don’t think about the boy or girl who suddenly stopped Snapchatting you, or even worse, the boyfriend or girlfriend that dumped you over text.
Use this day as motivation to finally talk to that person you’ve had your eye on for quite a while. Don’t be shy as everyone is vulnerable today. You may be surprised to find your crush actually reciprocates your feelings. What if Cupid’s arrow has struck? Wouldn’t that be awesome?