This is Us returns with big season 3 opener

Lionel Hahn/Abaca/Sipa USA(Sipa via AP Images
Milo Ventimiglia attends the Premiere of NBC’s ‘This Is Us’ Season 3 at Paramount Studios on September 25, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. Photo by Lionel Hahn/Abaca/Sipa USA(Sipa via AP Images)
After being nominated for a total of 8 Emmys, winning 2, NBC’s hit drama, “This is Us”, started its third season on Tuesday, September 25th. After a 7 month gap from season to season, the show of family, drama, and twists is back.
Season 2 left us with Kate and Toby’s wedding, Deja’s building of rage, and the unification of Kevin and Zoe, Beth’s cousin. So many questions were left unanswered after the Season 2 Finale, which does not surprise anyone. “This Is Us” is well-known for their cliff-hangers, a main reason why viewers come back for the next episode.
Season 3 Episode 1….possibly one of the strongest first episodes I have ever seen.
After that 7 month break, the producers of the show did an outstanding job recapping the previous season, and at the same time, adding more information to clear up certain situations. For example, it wasn’t completely understood why Deja had a random urge of anger, causing her to damage Randall’s car. During the opening scene of Season 3, it can be comprehended that Deja’s rage is due to her mother and father’s rejection.
Based on the first episode of Season 3, this season will be like the last two, maybe even more intense, with plot twists and cliff-hangers beyond belief.
Episode 1 Season 3 Recap – Kate and Toby’s wedding leads to a disappointing honeymoon, as they try over and over to have a baby, but it just won’t happen. After a visit with the doctor, on Kate’s Birthday, it is made official that because of Kate’s weight, having a baby is only 10% possible. After leaving the office emotionally, the doctor feels bad and calls Kate and Toby back in, informing them that she will try if they understand that the chances are low and dangerous.
Kevin and Zoe continue to secretly hook-up behind Beth’s back. After being caught, Beth warns Kevin that Zoe is known for “eating men up and spitting them out.”
Deja goes through all types of emotion. After Randall tries to compare their lives, Deja feels insulted and does not accept Randall’s offer to adopt. After thinking things through, she breaks out and finds her birth father. She tells him that she is happy without him, asks him for money, and purchases a pair of running shoes for Randall’s birthday. Running has began to connect Randall and Deja. Lastly, Deja accepts to be adopted by Randall and his family.
A flashback on Jack and Rebecca’s life is the last to occur in this episode. It focuses on Jack having little money for their first date, but makes it work by spending carefully. After the date, Jack explains that he doesn’t like talking about the war or his brother, who was killed in the war. Rebecca kisses him, exits the car, and leaves her jacket, showing that she would like a second date.
Overall, watching Season 3 Episode one makes me and many excited for the next episode to arrive.
Will Deja stay with Randall?
Can Kate have a kid?
Will Kevin stay with Zoe?
I guess we will have to wait and see.