Based on the true story behind the making of the movie Mary Poppins, Disney’s Saving Mr. Banks is a fascinating tale that explores the influence of family and the ability to let go of one’s past.
Saving Mr. Banks is the story of Walt Disney’s 20 year quest to obtain the rights to beloved children’s books Mary Poppins from uptight and anti-Hollywood author P.L Travers. The film flashes back and forth between the two week period Travers spent in Hollywood in the 1960s, begrudgingly working with Disney himself and the musical Sherman brothers, and Travers’ childhood in Australia.
As the movie goes on, you start to put together the pieces that explain why Travers is the way she is. Witty banters between Travers and the people at Disney will make you laugh, but only a few moments later you’ll be fighting back tears as more of her childhood is revealed.
If you’re looking to get away from predictable and tried plots and see a movie with some depth, Saving Mr. Banks is the movie for you. It’s the kind of movie you’ll think about after you leave the theater.