Having been a freshman at Temple University for about two months now, I like to think that I am more than qualified to bequeath some information that I have found helpful in my transition from high school to college. Let me start with the pre-departure to college. Start creating a list of things you want or need right now! Simply jot things down as you think about them so that you don’t have to beat your head against a wall trying to remember what that last thing was that you needed at Target. And just make sure to pack early. Seriously. Don’t leave all of your packing for the night or two before or your life will suck. If big tasks overwhelm you, do it a little bit at a time to save yourself from that last minute stress; you will have enough of that when you get to college.
Now that you are all terrified of college, let me allay your fears with some of the things to which you can look forward. The greatest thing about college is undoubtedly the new sense of freedom that is inherited. You get to eat when you want, sleep when you please, be as messy or as clean as you desire (I still make my bed every day), and go to class if you so chose (which I highly suggest as it facilitates good grades). Yet, this newfound freedom is a double-edged sword. Now that you are on your own, you now have to keep track of schoolwork, events, and activities all by yourself without the help of mommy and daddy. Sorry guys, but that laundry is not going to do itself. Therefore, two items that you will want to purchase before going away to school are a calendar and a planner. My calendar hangs right next to my desk so that I can consult it daily which helps to make sure that I am accomplishing everything that needs to be done.
Something else that I love about being away at school is the people that you meet. Seriously, grow to love your floor mates because they are the people with whom you will be spending the most time and who will be taking care of you in more ways than one. I have met the best people here and we are all very close. My floor mates and I banded together to create an intramural soccer and flag football team. Although we are not very good and I abhor losing, we still have a blast because it is time well spent with your best friends. College is a time to reinvent yourself; you can become whoever you want. However, be sure to stay true to yourself with whomever it is that you decide to become. Don’t get mixed up in the wrong crowd just to fit in if that wasn’t your cup of tea back at North Penn. Everyone that you will encounter who is a freshmen is in the same boat as you. Nobody knows anybody. College is the perfect time to free yourself from the inhibitions that may have bogged you down in high school. Keep an open mind towards the classes you take, the people you meet, and the activities in which you involve yourself. It will pay it dividends later. I promise.
Although I touched on this earlier, I want to emphasize this point: go to class. It may be cool to skip class, but unless you are in a 400 person lecture hall where your professor doesn’t take attendance and you already know the material inside-and-out, just go to class. In high school, we spend about seven hours a day in class while in college you will only spend about three or four hours maximum per day. Plus, you are paying thousands of dollars to enroll so you might as well take the time to attend. Skipping class wastes money, and as a poor college student, that is the last thing you want to do. I have only skipped one class and I did it so I could finish a paper and study for an exam. Teachers will look more favorably upon you if you attend class, which will certainly help you out when final grades are posted. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
Most importantly, have fun. You’re not only in college to get an education, but you’re there to make friends and memories and to enjoy yourself as well. Don’t get so wrapped up in your studies that you miss out on the social part of college; however, don’t get so wrapped up in socializing that you miss out on the studying part. College is a time to find out who you are, what you like, and what you want to do/don’t want to do. Therefore, go out and do a few foolish things; it is a healthy way to learn. It’s not like high school in that your parents aren’t looking over your shoulder telling you what not to do. Just make sure that you know when to buckle down and get your stuff done.
These are all things for the future, though. For right now, just enjoy high school. I always took that advice for granted because I was never able to see past graduation. Although I do love college, I do miss high school once in a while. At the beginning of my senior year, I could not wait to go to college. By the end of senior year, I did not want to leave. Call me crazy, but you will realize that North Penn is a pretty good place so don’t wish away your three years here. Work hard, enjoy the ride, and utilize everything that North Penn has to offer. I waited until my last year of high school to get truly involved at North Penn, but it was the best year of my life. Do not get so wrapped up in the future that you lose sight of the present. Look forward to what college has to bring because I promise you it is the time of your life. Yet, just remember to appreciate the here-and-now, because it is honestly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
Mrs. Sieller • Jan 26, 2012 at 12:30 pm
Excellent advice! Wish I had someone so knowledgable to offer me these “words of wisdom” 10+ years ago!! I hope this spring semester is treating you well, Michael!!
Marie and Bob Coll • Nov 9, 2011 at 9:03 pm
Michael,We are so impressed.We only hope that Temple knows how lucky they are to have you as a student.Keep blazing a trail!
Mr. Henry • Nov 9, 2011 at 2:36 pm
Mike, a lot of what you say sounds familiar. Where did you get all of this material from? Was Polonius an inspriration? “Be sure to stay true to yourself” sounds a heck of a lot like “To thine own self be true.” Keep having fun!
Jen Lassen • Nov 7, 2011 at 7:19 pm
I SECOND EVERYTHING MICHAEL SAID. EVERYTHING. Enjoy high school now but you all at NP have so so SOOO much to look forward to!!! 🙂