Editorial: Perhaps Trump is the one who is dehydrated
Debate Night- Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton go head to head in the first presidential debate for the 2016 election.
If you were watching the 2016 Presidential Debate and found yourself wondering why Donald Trump did the things he did, you are not alone. After scrupulous examination of details it became clear that he was suffering from almost every symptom of severe dehydration.
It all started with the water. Within the first hour of the debate, Donald took 6 sips of water compared to Clinton’s zero sips. Despite his extra water consumption, it was Donald who experienced the effects of severe dehydration.
Donald was surprisingly more irritable than usual during the debate. From constant eye rolling, to interrupting, he was not holding anything back from his opponent. He rudely interrupted Hillary Clinton more than twenty times during the first hour, while she only interrupted him once.
While answering questions, Donald also seemed to be confused about the question asked when he was responding. When asked about his plan to bring jobs back to the U.S, he answered by explaining why jobs leave the U.S, and then finished by saying that he would stop them from leaving. The confusion he was experiencing must have led him to forget the how part of his “plan”.
He was also found debating with the moderator instead Hillary Clinton.
Donald seemed to be experiencing fatigue during the debate, so he took to taking small naps while it was Hillary’s turn to talk.
It was hard for Donald to get through a sentence without partaking in a large sniffle. He made sure to get close to the microphone so we could all hear. How is he going to survive the next four years in office with the threat of nasal congestion?
I know to the best of my ability that Trump does not have severe dehydration. However, I think it’s an interesting angle to examine Trump the way the media examines Hillary Clinton. If she had been the one sniffling or being irritable, there would be speculation that she was not fit to run for office. Since Trump is not the first female candidate and since he has always projected himself as bombastic, he gets away with more than his opponent.